Nürburgring timetable is live!

10 February 2017

The timetable for the 32nd International ADAC Truck Grand Prix on June 30 – July 2 has been released detailing one of the major highlights of the FIA ETRC year at Nürburgring.

The timetable for the 32nd International ADAC Truck Grand Prix on June 30 – July 2 has been released detailing one of the major highlights of the FIA ETRC year at Nürburgring.

Four races spread over Saturday and Sunday will be all-action as a full grid of racing trucks go head-to-head once again.

In addition to the FIA ETRC field there will be supporting action from the Mittelrhein Truck contingent and also the Special Touring Car Trophy events throughout the weekend.

Motorsport, show and music – with a totally open and approachable paddock are part and parcel of the whole experience.

The FIA European Truck Racing Championship spectators can look forward to plenty of show acts and entertainment in the industrial park and big stars at the open air stage. Take your chance and have a close look over the shoulders of the teams’ mechanics or try your luck at bull riding or any other attraction from the 100 exhibitors.

Truck manufacturers and truck accessory brands set up camp at Messepark and present their product range to the fans. The Truck Symposium on Friday has developed in to the leading industry platform in recent years and attracts all stakeholders of the trucking industry such as freight forwarders, transport companies, associations, administrations and politicians.

To view the full provisional timetable please click HERE

Day tickets are available from 15 €, weekend tickets from 42.50 €.

Get more information here:

+49 0261/1303 300 (week days 8-18hrs and Sat 9-13hrs), or at the homepage: www.truck-grand-prix.de or via Facebook: www.facebook.com/truckgrandprix